Boon Edam

The entrance of the future is online.

Revolving doors and entry gates often go unnoticed—until they don't. It's great when a quick solution is found for an increasingly crowded lobby, ensuring you catch your flight or make it to that important meeting on time.

From timber factory to digital services

For 150 years, Royal Boon Edam has been a name synonymous with entry solutions. Starting as a timber factory, this traditional family business has spread its craftsmanship and hospitality worldwide, gracing airports, office buildings, and shopping centers.

Naturally, bending, welding, cutting, fitting, and measuring are ingrained in the DNA of this quintessentially Dutch company. They remain craftsmen at heart. But making good gates isn't enough anymore. The world keeps turning, demanding faster and immediate responses.

Why wait for a technician to arrive when it can be done online? Why not see in real time how many people are in the building? Do you know how much time I spend handling a repair request? And how does my entrance look with a 'No Entry' construction tape?

Together with Informaat, Boon Edam sought a digital solution to these tangible dilemmas of real-life facility managers, without fuss or frills, but with solid data on what is now possible and desired. A value proposition.

Maximizing yield from minimal value

Okay, the gates can be 'connected'. Boon Edam is already doing it. A team of developers and other geeks have created a device that connects speedlanes to the web: the BC20. So, we can literally look inside the gate.

What data comes out of it? What's it worth? Does what we can now do help 'the user' to relax? Who exactly is this user, and what do they want? Moreover, is it immediately profitable for the company to roll out digital services as part of the overall service offering?

A proposition for the UK

Time to get started, first in the UK. Testing assumptions, checking with sales, visiting end-users, the people on the floor, the facility managers, their bosses. And, of course, the digital services team itself. In sprints, because this is digital design and online waits for no one. Go, go, go.

The result of this proven design method, the understand, design & validate route, we packaged into a clear proposition that ties Boon Edam's business interests to the needs of the facility manager. And we tested it in a direct mailing and 1:1 interviews.

As suspected: a direct hit. Most respondents particularly appreciated the ability to resolve simple malfunctions remotely faster. The convenience of online insights into performance also made many a facility manager hit the yes button.

The price often turned out to be of secondary importance. Of course, it shouldn't get too crazy, but the benefits of fewer technicians on the floor, 24/7 insight into visitor numbers, and simply the ease of use of a clear app led to a positive response.

A proposition for The Netherlands

Next, we looked at the Dutch market to see if what we learned in the UK could be applied to other markets as well. In two workshops, we made minimal changes to the setup. Particularly, the sustainability aspect became more prominent.

Here too: bingo. The value proposition for Boon Edam Digital Services proved robust enough to be rolled out in multiple markets. This only requires a solid plan. A bigger idea. Because shooting from the hip carries risks. There is a need for vision.

UX concept

The promise of online insight was fulfilled with the design of a digital customer application that allows the facility manager to keep a tight rein. Here too, we approached this pragmatically, starting with the minimum necessary value to help the customer improve the performance of the building. In later stages, we aim to agilely work towards the more ambitious vision of this application. This was done in close collaboration with Boon Edam's development partner to ensure that what we design can also be built quickly.

UX concepts design

Vision & roadmap

To keep the entire Boon Edam in touch with the future possibilities and pitfalls of introducing digital services, we developed a digital vision that the globally operating company can also join organizationally. After all, it remains a people's job.

We formulated a core message as a guideline for the mindset needed to transform from a traditional manufacturer to a digital service provider. For each business unit, we worked out these goals in clear terms, and how to achieve them.

The roadmap that emerged from this was tested in several sessions with key stakeholders. Sales, customer service, assembly, management, all had their say, and together we determined the concrete steps for a successful introduction.

True experience design

Support through vlogs

Moving a company with over 1300 employees is not easy, especially when it involves traditional craftsmen. "Seeing is believing." To gain support for the potential of digital services, it was necessary to communicate clearly.

An internal newsletter? Possible. But who really reads that? No, if we're going digital, then let's also use communication from this era. Video. In snappy vlogs, we tapped into the methodology, possibilities, and returns of digital services one by one. Let’s get digital. The result: 600% more views than a normal news post. One in five employees informed directly, and a shift in mindset. Where effort had to be made to reach colleagues before, they now picked up the phone themselves.

The idea has landed. The value proposition made concrete. Profitable, executable, and desired.

The entrance of the future is online.
"Informaat has greatly helped us in finding the right proposition for the market and in aligning our services accordingly. They are always looking for value for the customer, through a structured process and taking into account all external and internal stakeholders."
Jeroen Thuis - Business Development Manager, Royal Boon Edam International B.V.
Value propositions

Digital innovation that you can feel and experience.

Fulfill your digital promise

Interested in a welcoming service?

We are eager to collaborate to make your business valuable, authentic, and credible for your customers of the future. Send us a message, and we will get in touch.

Marcel Kosters

Business director
+31 6 53 77 13 91

Marcel Kosters