For 150 years, Royal Boon Edam has been a name synonymous with entry solutions. Starting as a timber factory, this traditional family business has spread its craftsmanship and hospitality worldwide, gracing airports, office buildings, and shopping centers.
Naturally, bending, welding, cutting, fitting, and measuring are ingrained in the DNA of this quintessentially Dutch company. They remain craftsmen at heart. But making good gates isn't enough anymore. The world keeps turning, demanding faster and immediate responses.
Why wait for a technician to arrive when it can be done online? Why not see in real time how many people are in the building? Do you know how much time I spend handling a repair request? And how does my entrance look with a 'No Entry' construction tape?
Together with Informaat, Boon Edam sought a digital solution to these tangible dilemmas of real-life facility managers, without fuss or frills, but with solid data on what is now possible and desired. A value proposition.